Thursday, December 20, 2012

AOM Meditations: 122112

Become aware that you already possess all the inner wisdom, strength, and creativity needed to make your dreams come true. This is hard for most of us to realize because the source of this unlimited personal power is buried so deeply beneath the bills, the car pool, the deadlines, the business trip, and the dirty laundry that we have difficulty accessing it in our daily lives. When we can't access our inner resources, we come to the flawed conclusion that happiness and fulfillment come only from external events. That's because external events usually bring with them some sort of change. . . .We can learn to be the catalysts for our own change. . . .you already possess all you need to be genuinely happy.

~Sarah Ban Breathnach


We all have within us a deep sense of what we need, and what is right and true for us.  To access this we need to pay attention to our feelings and our intuition.  We need to learn to listen deeply to ourselves and to trust what we hear.  And we need to risk acting on what we feel to be true.  Even if we make mistakes, we must do this in order to learn and grow.

~Shakti Gawain

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